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There are many different types of massage techniques utilized by licensed massage therapists.  Below are the techniques I use and the special populations I work with along with a brief description of each.    In addition, I also offer services to those seeking treatment for acute injury, chronic pain, orthopedic / neurological  and medical massage, as well as those just looking for stress relief and relaxation.  Individuals seek out massage therapists for various  reasons, therefore I tailor every massage to meet each individual's needs.  I offer (but am not limited to) the following services:

Click on the links below for a description of the following types of massage:    

Swedish Massage

As the most common form of massage, Swedish Massage combines smooth, definitive strokes and gentle kneading to induce relaxation of muscles and connective tissue.

Swedish Massage

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissues.  It is especially helpful for chronically tense and contracted areas of musculature such as necks, low back and shoulders.

Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue
Swedish Massage
Trigger Point

Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger Point Therapy is the application of deep pressure to "trigger points" (painful, irritated areas of muscle), that when released with deep pressure, will restore circulation and physiological function of the muscle.

Trigger Point Therapy

Orthodpedic / Medical Massage

Orthopedic massage focuses on orthopedic conditions such as post joint replacements, tendonitis, overuse syndromes, back pain, etc.


Medical Massage focuses on a specific condition / diagnosis to decrease or relieve symptoms of that particular condition.  One may be seen for medical massage related to lympedema, Parkinson's Disease to decrease rigidity,  acute and chronic injuries and orthopedic conditions.  Orthopedic massage is a type of medical massage.  



Medical / Orthopedic Massage
Ortho / Med

Sports and Post Event Massage

Sports massage increases circulation, removes toxins, treats and aids in prevention of muscle soreness and recovery from the stress of exercise.  It includes stretching and range of motion techniques.


Post event massage is performed immediately following an event and uses quick strokes to remove toxins and help the muscles recover from strenuous and prolonged use.

Sports and Post Event Massage
Sports / Post Event
Myofascial Release and Connective Tissue Massage

Myofascial Release / Connective Tissue Massage

A safe and effective hands-on technique that involves using the hands to heat and stretch the underlying fascia by applying gentle sustained (prolonged) pressure into the myofascial connective layers of tissue where restrictions cause pain and decreased movement.


Healing Touch / Reike Master Practioner

Healing Touch utilizes light touch and heart-centered intention to transfer and balance the energy centers of the body which promotes wellness and healing on all levels:  physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  Reike is the simple laying on of hands used to channel energy from practitioner to client for healing the body, mind and spirit.  Both are treatments using similar techniques to provide energy to normalize and balance the body’s systems thereby allowing it to heal itself.

Healing Touch / Reike Master Practioner Practioner
Healing Touch / Reike

Myofascial Release / Connective Tissue Massage

A safe and effective hands-on technique that involves using the hands to heat and stretch the underlying fascia by applying gentle sustained (prolonged) pressure into the myofascial connective layers of tissue where restrictions cause pain and decreased movement.

Myofascial Release and Connetive Tissue Massage
Veteran / Military
Special Needs
Military / Veteran Massage


Veteran massage is an emerging field of focus that many massage therapists are choosing to enter.   It is essential that the massage therapist receive proper training specific to the military population before promoting oneself as a massage practitioner for veterans.  An understanding of military and warrior culture is vital  for specific awareness of both the physical and emotional responses in order to best modify massage  techniques  to promote a positive experience for the veteran.    Massage therapy has been shown to benefit both active-duty military personnel and veterans, especially in the area of  relaxation and stress relief.

Massage for Sexual Abuse and Domestic Violence Survivors


Massage therapy can contribute significantly to the recovery of those who have been sexually abused.  As awareness of sexual abuse has grown, an increasing number of sexual abuse survivors have been seeking out massage therapy as a way help them reconnect with and reclaim their bodies.  And many psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and counselors are now referring their clients for massage therapy. The massage therapist who has received training in this area understands abuse and the healing process, and will be prepared and able to respond in a knowledgeable way to aid the survivor in this healing journey and with the acceptance of safe touch.

Geriatric Massage


Geriatric massage is a form of massage developed for use with the elderly population  addressing  their specific needs using a variety of techniques appropriate for the aging body.   Modifications of traditional massage techniques allows for accommodation of medical issues, dementia, physical frailty / fragility, sensitivity to touch and other possible limitations. Geriatric massage is helpful  in improving overall  health and well-being.

Massagge with those with Special Needs


For parents of children with special needs, the use of alternative treatments is becoming common, with therapeutic massage (TM) being one of the most popular therapies.  Therapeutic Massage is one of the most widely-used alternative therapies in the United States, according to National Health Interview Survey data.  For individuals  with special needs and autism, massage techniques may need to be modified to address positioning needs, range of motion, and spasticity of muscles along with cognitive and behavior issues.    However, no matter what the diagnosis, goal is to improve the quality of life and increase  the functional independence of the individual. 

Pre-Natal (Pregnancy) Massage


Massage therapy during pregnancy is a wonderful complementary choice for prenatal care. It is a healthy way to reduce stress and promote overall wellness. Prenatal Massage relieves many of the normal discomforts experienced during pregnancy, such as backaches, stiff neck, leg cramps, headaches and edema (or swelling).

Infant Massage


Infant massage is a type of complementary and alternative treatment that uses series of strokes and techniques that are individualized for infants and children.  It is beneficial for all children whether full term with normal development, premies or children with special needs.  Studies have shown that infant massage stimulates the circulatory, respiratory, and gastrointestinal systems and can improve health, promote relaxation and sleep, and help parents bond with their children. 

Sexual Abuse
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