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Specialty Certification in Military and Veteran Massage

Margo Ann Spak Hemedinger, PT/LMT

As I recently posted on my News Room Page, I have started down a new path in my massage career...Specialty Board Certification for Military and Veteran Massage through our National Board (NCBTMB) partnering with Crouse Hospital in Syracuse! This program started last year and is currently only offered in New York State.

I decided that since I am starting this journey, I would write this month’s blog about this subject. Although I am starting the Board Certification process, this certification is not necessary to provide massage services to military personnel and veterans. I have, and continue to provide massage services to service men and women when they have made appointments, and will continue to do so throughout my specialty certification process. However the classes I am now taking will give me more skills and much more insight in working with veterans and military personnel.

The article posted on the NCBTMB website dated July 16, 2016 explains the program, the requirements to sit for the certification exam and the partnering with Crouse Hospital and Clear Path for Veterans - an Upstate New York Veteran Resource Center. For more information, I have listed below the link to this article along with an article published in Massage Magazine in November of last year:

NCBTMB Article:

I am very excited and honored to be a part of this program allowing me to help veterans and active military personnel however I can, for all they do for us and our country. Just one more rewarding reason why I love doing what I do!

Thank you for visiting The Blog Spot. As always, questions, comments and discussions are encouraged. See you next month!


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